Parks California

“It’s in our nature”


Californians live outside. Our state has the largest and most diverse state park system in the world. Our parks match the diversity of our people and are part of our identity and global reputation. Parks provide access for everyone to experience the natural beauty and diversity of California’s mountains, rivers, coastlines, forests and deserts. Today’s ecological challenges require that we reach across jurisdictional boundaries and disciplines to manage landscapes at scale and improve access to parks for all Californians.  

New Agency developed a mantra and messaging for Parks California, a newly-formed statewide nonprofit working to ensure that state, regional, and local parks thrive. Parks California’s mission is to support the accessibility, resiliency, and sustainability of parks for all Californians, for this and future generations. 

Our highly collaborative process working with Parks California President and CEO Kindley Lawlor, involved tapping into the outdoor spirit of California and defining what it means to connect parks and people in the 21st century – to welcome everyone into these special places and to engage them in caring for parks. Through the mantra, “It’s in our nature” we captured an emerging conservation paradigm that focuses on the integrative relationship among parks, people and partnerships. We structured messaging around these three terms to create a positive feedback loop of reciprocity, access, stewardship and financial support.