A Valentines Day 2019 Ode to my front yard... Richardson Bay

Richardson's Bay.jpg

I paddle it like some take a trail to Mt. Tamalpais which hovers above and likely sees in it, its own reflection.

It is a beautiful mirror and an inspiring tidal teacher. But how to be a better lover to this place gnaws me still.

As a child growing up at its shores in Tiburon, we could not swim there. Too polluted. The fish I caught by my pole at Elephant Rock near the old Caprise restaurant (where the cooks would sometimes buy my catch ! ) I wouldn’t be allowed to eat for the toxic metals.

Wondering what has changed in the economy of this natural place since the first people, the Huimen lived and fished 5,000 years ago.

I guess much: we can swim with less pollution and watch the Coots eat more bountiful Eel

Grass especially in the winter. Then in my 50 years we are still not able to eat resident fish- because we know better.

And here I sit at her liquid soul and love her constant ebbs and flows like never before.  

Here’s my Poem companion: Reflection Valentines Day on Richardson Bay  

The channeled but shallow Richardson Bay  

Holds more secrets than nature herself.

So man made with its recycled recruits.

Paved a way for outlaw streets now high-rise docks where humans arrive and depart easily like at airport gates. 

The secret is her true nature healing:

The Water. Holds All.

Heavyweight metals that went down with each newly riveted battleship are losing the battle.

The eel grass grows taller.

Visiting winter Loons attest.

The inhale of healing perks my aging memory of teenage curtailed water adventures. 

Ah...the Sea Lions are back like packs of young Dobermans.  

They rule my moment

Then an amorphous plastic.bag.floats.By.

I invite it onboard like it was my doing.

- PA

alexandra hammond